Tags : tea

2 article(s) using this tag
  • 15 October 2018

Thematis, a tea house in Neudorf

Today, we are talking about a cocoon nestled close to Place de l’Etoile: Thematis, a tea house located in Neudorf, where you can go to drink delicious teas …

  • 14 November 2017

A tea school in Alsace!

Tea! An endless love story which makes us want to learn more about it! When Les Jardins de Gaia announced the creation of their Tea School in Alsace, …

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Geteatout is a stress-free, Strasbourg-based, all-you-need-to-know-while-here blog. Created in November of 2016, it originated with epicureans, friends, travelers, people with an insatiable thirst for discoveries, and above all a love for Strasbourg. Our purpose is simple : we want to offer you a unique outlook on our European capital - from gastronomy to outings, from people to off the beaten path roads. Join us as we venture on a path full of culture and adventures, soon you will know it all !

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